Party Rules

 Party Rules for Voters Voice
1. Membership
• Eligibility: If you are registered to vote membership is open to any person who is a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident aged 18 years or older and who agrees to abide by the party's constitution and ethical standards.
• Application: Prospective members must complete an application form, providing personal details and acknowledging the party’s principles and rules.
• Membership Fee: An annual membership fee of $5 will be charged to maintain financial sustainability. Membership may be waived for those unable to pay due to financial hardship, upon application and approval by the Membership Committee.
• Termination of Membership: Membership can be terminated by resignation, non-payment of fees, expulsion due to conduct unbecoming of the party's values, or death. Expulsion must be decided by a two-thirds majority vote of the party executive.
2. Party Governance
• Executive Committee: Composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three additional members elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
• Elections: Officers and committee members shall be elected for a term of two years, with elections held at the AGM.
• Decision Making: Decisions shall be made by consensus where possible; otherwise, a simple majority vote will suffice, except where a higher threshold is specified.
3. Ethical Standards
• Integrity: All members must act with honesty and integrity in all party-related activities.
• Respect: Members must respect each other, the public, and opponents, fostering an environment of mutual respect and constructive dialogue.
• Transparency: Financial dealings, decision-making processes, and policy development must be transparent to members and, where appropriate, to the public.
• Non-Discrimination: The party shall not discriminate on grounds of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by law.
4. Policy Development
• Member Involvement: Policy proposals can be initiated by any member and should be discussed at branch meetings before being escalated to the policy committee.
• Policy Committee: A dedicated group responsible for refining member suggestions into formal policy positions, ensuring they align with the party's core values.
• Approval: Major policy changes must be approved by a vote at the AGM or through a special general meeting called for that purpose.
5. Financial Management
• Auditor: An independent qualified auditor will be appointed annually at the AGM to audit the financial statements.
• Disclosure: The party will comply with all legal requirements for financial disclosures, including the annual return of donations and loans as per the Electoral Act.
6. Dispute Resolution
• Internal Mediation: Disputes among members should first be addressed through mediation by a panel appointed by the Executive Committee.
• Appeals: If mediation fails, members can appeal to the full membership at a special meeting, where a decision will be made by majority vote.
7. Communication
• Privacy: Member information will be kept confidential, used only for party business, and shared only with explicit consent.
• Openness: The party will maintain open lines of communication with its members through regular newsletters, meetings, and an accessible website.
8. Compliance with Law
• Legal Adherence: The party will comply with all applicable New Zealand laws, including but not limited to the Electoral Act 1993, the Broadcasting Act 1989, and the Privacy Act 2020.
These rules aim to ensure that "Voters Voice" operates within the legal framework of New Zealand while upholding high ethical standards and promoting an inclusive, democratic process within the party.